

We would like to inform you of the various Parish programs that are available at our community, which we may all support and participate accordingly.

SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL:  Sunday Church school is held during the regular school year.  Grade levels are “Little Angels” through 12th grade.  Registration will be held on Sunday, September 9th .  Please see enclosed registration form.  We ask all parents to enroll their children in Sunday Church School and have them attend on a regular basis so that they may become close to the Church and learn more about their faith.  The first day of Sunday Church School will be September 9th.

GREEK SCHOOL:  The afternoon Greek School is held twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-6:30 p.m.  Grade levels are pre-K through the 6th grade.  The curriculum encompasses the Greek Language, Reading, Writing, Speaking, History, Religion, Ecclesiastical Hymns, and Geography of Greece.  In addition, we offer the “Continuous Greek Education” Class for children 12-18 years of age.  This class is offered once a week on Fridays from 4:00-6:00 p.m..  We ask all parents to enroll their children so that our youth will keep in their hearts and minds our Greek Heritage our Greek language and our Greek customs and Traditions.

ADULT GREEK SCHOOL Adult Greek School classes have been available for our St. Athanasios Community.  If you are interested in learning the Greek Language, please sign up.  Classes will be held on  Fridays from 6:15 – 8:30 p.m.

BIBLE STUDY AND CATECHISM:  This group gets together and studies various Books from the Holy Bible under the direction of the Parish Priest. Classes meet every Monday at 7:00 p.m. beginning September 24th.  This year, we will study The Acts of the Apostles.

PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY:  The Philoptochos Women’s Society of St. Athanasios is an organization whose primary purpose is aimed toward philanthropic endeavors and programs.  All men and women in our parish may become members of this society, which provides for the disadvantaged and assists the church in many ways.  The first meeting will be on September 11th, and then every first Tuesday of the month .

“FOS” (Light) is a Parish Ministry (organization) within the Saint Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church.  The purpose of FOS is to promote the Orthodox Faith within and outside the parish.  The FOS  operates in cooperation with and under the direct supervision of the parish priest.

ALTAR BOYS:  Boys ages 9-17 are able to serve as Altar Boys.  Along with their duties, monthly meetings and programs are also held.  Anyone who would like to participate in Altar duties should contact Fr. Anargyros.

H.O.P.E. / J.O.Y. :  Boys and girls between the ages of 4-7 are invited to join H.O.P.E., and ages 8-11 for J.O.Y.  These programs give the children the opportunity to learn about their faith, their church and the social world around them.  Meetings are held once a month on Fridays.

Attn:  Parents…If anyone is interested in being a H.OP.E. / J.O.Y. advisor, please contact Fr. Anargyros

G.O.Y.A. Boys and girls between the ages of 12-18 are welcome to join the G.O.Y.A.  Various athletic, social and religious activities are held as well as other programs.  The G.O.Y.A. meets once a month on Thursdays.

CHOIR:  The choir chants hymns during the Divine Liturgy and other Church services throughout the year, except for the summer months of July and August.  Practice is held twice a month.  Both men and women are invited to join the choir.

DANCE GROUPS:  Greek Ethnic and cultural dances are taught to the children of our community.  Classes will be held on Fridays from 5:00 –7:30 p.m., beginning September 21st.  There are two levels.  Time varies depending on each level.  We also offer adult dance classes from 8:00-9:00 p.m..

HELLENIC SENIORS OF ST. ATHANASIOS:  Parishioners may join the “Hellenic Seniors”  group.  Spiritual and social gatherings are held.  The “Seniors” meet every third Thursday of the month at noon in the Community Center.

P.T.O. “Parent Teacher Organization”:  This organization consists of the teachers and parents of the Greek School students, and parishioners who are interested in the education of our students.  The purpose of the P.T.O. is to help and support the different programs of our school.  We ask everyone to please become members and active supporters of our P.T.O.

EPISKEPSIS (Visitations):  In cooperation with the Philoptochos.  The purpose and goal is to visit and comfort our Orthodox Christians that are confined to nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and homes.

DIAKONIA AGAPES  (St. Athanasios Food Pantry):  St. Athanasios church has been supporting local Food Pantry’s and assisting needy families of our parish for many years.  As a result of seeing a need in our parish and community, we have formed a new parish ministry:  “St. Athanasios Food Pantry”.  The Food Pantry will be an ongoing parish ministry to serve families in need from our community, sister parishes, neighbors and friends.  Together as one Christian family, we can help those in need live a better quality of life as God’s children.  When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, we want our hand always to be there.  For that we are responsible.  Together we can make a change, we can make a difference!”

If anyone has any questions or wants more information on our food Pantry, please feel free to contact Fr. Anargyros or Presbytera Christina.

WELCOME AND OUTREACH:  The purpose to welcome new members to the Church / Parish, and promote the Greek Orthodox Faith within and outside the Parish.

ΘΕΙΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ:  Εάν έχετε συγγενείς ή γνωστούς πού ευρίσκονται σε Γηροκομία, Νοσοκομεία η είναι κατάκοιτοι στο σπίτι και θέλετε τον πατέρα Ανάργυρο για να τους κοινωνήση για το Δεκαπενταύγουστο, παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείστε στο Γραφείο μας και ενημερώστε τόν Ιερέα μας.