Hope and Joy Registration

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Welcome to the 2024-2025 St. Athanasios Hope & Joy Registration

Stewardship: Families should be in good standing with their Stewardship before registering. Please click click here to pay a minimum stewardship of $500 for 2024 if you have not already or your registration will be invalidated.  We require you to provide your "giving number" or "envelope number" from Realm.  You can locate it from your stewardship statement that was mailed to you or call the office for the number.  If you do not have one, please register online for an account.


Hope and Joy participants must be baptized in the Greek Orthodox faith. First year Hope & Joy participants need to submit a copy of their baptismal certificate.


No Registration Fee


For additional information or for questions please contact your HOPE/JOY Coordinator:
Elizabeth Piteo - (845) 304-5694 - joy@stathanasiosnj.org

Parent/Guardian Primary Contact Information

Guardian Name
This can be found in your Realm account at https://onrealm.org/stathnj
Interested in Volunteering? (Guardian 1)
Your contributions of time & talent are always welcome!
Secondary Guardian Name
Interested in Volunteering? (Guardian 2)
Your contributions of time & talent are always welcome!
Billing Address
Residence is same as Billing Address (if not, uncheck this:)
Selected Value: 1